About Sādhanā School

A practice portal consisting of conscious ritual guidance to support you through life’s seasons

The Sanskrit term Sādhanā is comprised of two words Sādh (to make effort towards obtaining a goal) and Dhana (derived & in relation to the word Dharma, which is knowing one’s true nature and purpose for this lifetime). In essence, Sādhanā means the ritual practice of techniques and graceful efforts to achieve personal transformation. 

Sādhanā (daily spiritual practice) stokes the fire that supports the burning through old belief structures, habits, patterns and addictions and creates the container for living the practices of yoga. 

Showing up daily creates the necessary repetition needed to remember our true nature, the gentle work of a regular practice of contemplative exercises that balance our inner landscape.

Over the years that Lara and Phoebe have been committed to a personal Sādhanā practice, they have both had revolutionary insights around cultivating a sustainable, practical & enlivening practice. We know from our combined experience of managing the demands of full time work, relationships & raising children that our Sādhanā needs to offer us a touch stone of steadiness. We understand through all the fullness that is life, that a personal practice must consist of small efforts that are cumulative in the support of a graceful evolution. 

Sādhanā School consists of a selection of ritualistic programs to support and inspire your own home practice. Our programs feature a wide range of Hatha Yoga postural techniques, pranayama (breath work support), meditation guidance, Yoga Nidra and journalling. 


Lara of Sukha Yoga brings 12 years of teaching experience and 20 years of studentship to her work and practice. Having had a long standing daily Sādhanā, Lara is grateful for these rituals that inspire and uplift her as well as provide a touchstone of steadiness and remembrance of wholeness. It is from this personal practice, an ambition to “live Yoga” and ongoing studentship that she weaves together teachings to meet the need of the time with liveliness and joy.

She has had the privilege of studying with several masters and is inspired & influenced by how they live their Yoga in the world today. Namely Dana Flynn of Laughing Lotus, Diane Long & Caroline Hutton of Scaravelli Inspired Yoga, Ivy Ray of Katonah Yoga, Debby Badger of Vedic Chanting (Krishnamacharya lineage) and The Himalayan Tradition.


Phoebe has been studying and teaching yoga for over 10 year and as a student, has experienced first hand the deep, quiet, internal transformative effects of yoga. Phoebe holds deep reverence for the context of yoga, and the teachings that have been handed down by the many teachers before her.

Phoebe is influenced by the lineage of Krishnamacharya, teachers Tara Judelle, Janet Stone, Elena Brower and Yogarupa Rod Stryker, along with many other great teachers in her life, along with mutual respect of the many students she has worked with.